- Best teaching awad, 2009.02.23, Soonchunhyang university
- University Research award, 2010.8.24, Soonchunhyang university
- IEC 1906 Award, 2020. Sept.
- Excellent paper award, 2021. Oct (International conference on Advanced Imaging2021, Japan)
- 한국유연인쇄전자학회 학회장상, 2022.10.12.
- Korea Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Korean Society for Precision Engineering
- The Materials Research Society of Korea
- Society for Imaging Sciences and Technology (IS&T, USA)
Reviewer of journals
- Sensors and actuators A,
- Japanese journal of applied physics
- Control engineering practice
- Journal of imaging science and technology
- Additive manufacturing
- Advanced materials technologies
- Journal of manufacturing process
- NIP conference, Digital fabrication (cession chair, reviewers, Program Chair)
Journal Editor
- Japanese journal of applied physics (special issue)
- Jornal of Imaging Science and Technology (Associate Editor)
Committee member
- Korea certification institute for machine diagnostics
- Korea printed electronics association (Kopea)
- 인쇄전자전문위원회
- IEC TC 119, project leader, Expert (inkjet measurement standardization)
- 고산테크 사외이사
2. 순천향대학교 기술지주회사 사외이사